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Week 21: March 3–6 2025

March 7, 2025 πŸ”—

Monday night, the Scouts got to make pancakes a day early! They whisked up their batter, and cooked up multiple pancakes each using the group's new ceramic pans and induction hobs. The new wiring in the hut (courtesy of Hi Electrical) made it that the group can have 6 induction hobs going at once, which made cooking pancakes a lot faster this year! The Scouts looked like they enjoyed every bite (and so did the leaders!).

A group of Scout girls measures out the ingredients for their pancake batter. Looks like this Scout leader has found a Scout willing to make him a pancake and he's scoffing it as quick as he can!This Scout is carefully whisking his pancake mix.These Scouts are cooking up pancakes in advance of Shrove Tuesday. They look tasty!

Tuesday was Pancake Day, aka Shrove Tuesday, so guess what the Cubs got up to? That's right, they made pancakes! This year, the Cubs even made their own batter, and were pretty proud of themselves for making their own pancakes from scratch.

This Cub is being very careful as he prepares to flip his pancake.It's this Cub's first time making pancakes at Cubs. Looks like he's doing a good job!The Cubs are choosing what to top their pancakes with. Lemon and sugar? Golden syrup? Chocolate spread?

Thursday was World Book Day, so the Beavers showed up in their costumes, made origami bookmarks and designed a new cover for their favourite book. They took a lot of time decorating their bookmarks, adding ears and tails, as well as drawing faces on them. They looked really great, and hopefully will be used to read a lot of books! At the end of the evening, two new Beavers were invested by their Lodge Leaders and welcomed into the Beaver Colony.

These Beavers are adding ears to their bookmarks and one is also adding a horn.These two Beavers are always careful when they're crafting.These two Beavers have decided to make their promise and become part of the Beaver Colony.

Beavers Spring Sleepover: March 1–2

March 2, 2025 πŸ”—

The Beavers had their first night away of 2025 on Saturday, and for some, it was their first night away ever! They started off with some games to learn about healthy eating, then rolled up their sleeves and made their own pizzas and vegetable salads. Everyone got to choose the ingredients they wanted on their pizzas, but they had to try something they didn't like in their salad. They did a really great job with all their food, and it looked like they enjoyed the end result. Some even had a second pizza! After supper, the Beavers took turns coming to wash up a plate and a bowl while everyone got their tents and beds set up, and curled up to watch Ratatouille.

The Beavers are busy eating all the delicious salad and pizzas they made for themselves.The pizzas made by the Beavers look delicious and the Beavers look pretty pleased with the job they've done.This Beaver is paying lots of attention to making sure his plate gets nice and clean.The Beavers are getting their beds set up for sleeping.

Sunday morning after breakfast, the Beavers packed up all their kit, took the tents down and got washed up for the next bit of cooking. First they mixed up their chocolate mug cakes (which they all decided to refer to as mud cakes) and while those cooled, they came outside to sing a campfire song and toast marshmallows over the coals afterwards. S'mores for second breakfast, only at Beavers!

The Beavers are taking their kit out of their tents and packing up. It's incredible how much they can spread it over the floor!The Beavers are all lined up away from the campfire to sing "Fire's Burning", their choice of song.These two Beavers are enjoying their S'mores in the morning sunshine.There seems to be a lot of marshmallow on this Beaver's face, but thankfully most of her S'more has made it into her mouth rather than all over her!

Another great sleepover for the Beavers; they're now looking forward to summer Group Camp!

Week 20: February 24–27 2025

February 28, 2025 πŸ”—

The Scouts worked on some life skills this week by learning to wire a plug, testing and resetting a breaker, changing a lightbulb for a ceiling fixture and how to iron a shirt.

This Scout is carefully ironing her uniform shirt as part of her practical skills.With no hanging bulbs in the Scout hut, one of the taller leaders is holding the bulb bracket as high as he can, so the Scout can attempt to change the lightbulb above his head.The Scouts are learning to wire a plug from their leader. There are a variety of tools on the table, so they can learn to do it properly.

At Cubs, things got messy with paint, as the Cubs gripped paintbrushes with their toes and painted pictures as best they could! Some of the Cubs made paintings with the paintbrush held in their mouths instead.

On Thursday, the Beavers looked at times when they did their best, were kind and were helpful, as well as how that made the people around them feel. Then they worked with our Young Leaders to make some reflections based on their earlier comments.

Week 19: February 10–13 2025

February 14, 2025 πŸ”—

Scouts continued the work from the last two weeks, rotating to a different group to learn the last of the other skills.

This week the Cubs had a great time making claymations. There was lots of creativity and teamwork involved and the resulting videos will be cracking. Watch this space!

This Six looks really interested in what the story of their animation will be like. One Cub is writing their ideas down, while one tells the others her ideas. The other Cubs look on with interest.Cubs planning what their clay animation will look like.The Cubs have done an excellent job creating the models for their animation. This group has a little dog with a bone, ball and water bucket.This Cub is holding a figure they've made for their animation, which looks a little like Santa or a gonk with yellow sticks of cheese for legs!

Half of the Beavers were away at a school Valentine's disco, so the remaining Beavers had a team games night instead.

The Beavers are working as a team to pass the spare chair from the front to the back, moving their team closer to the finish line.The Beavers are working on their teamwork and coordination skills by tossing beanbags between each other.

Week 18: February 3–6 2025

February 7, 2025 πŸ”—

Scouts continued the work from last week, rotating to a different group to learn one of the other skills.

The Cubs had one of the Cub parents visit as part of their Disability Awareness badgework. After talking about the kind of disabilities that can need someone to use a wheelchair, they had a chance to use a wheelchair in our hut and assess how accessible it is.

These Cubs are helping each other get coats on with only one arm.One of the Cub parents is showing the Cubs a couple of boards that wheelchair users can use to transfer themselves to or from their chair.The Cubs are learning about tools that wheelchair users use to transfer themselves in and from their chairs.The Cubs gave the hut a test run with a wheelchair, to see how accessible it is. The Cub is trying to get over the door edge, but it's too steep.

This week, the Beavers looked at a map made by Scope that rates how accessible playgrounds are and how much the playgrounds allow children with a disability to interact and play with friends. After looking closely at Allesley Park's playground report, the Beavers broke into their Lodges and discussed some of the accessible playground equipment that is available to improve accessibility. It was really great to see them take interest in how their local playground could be made better.

Older news

This Beaver has worked really hard and achieved the highest award a Beaver can, her Bronze Award.January 31, 2025Week 17: January 27–30 2025The fire built by these Scouts seems to have a good start.January 24, 2025Week 16: January 20–23 2025This Cub is showing off his built Spitfire model. He's done a good job.January 17, 2025Week 15: January 13–16 2025The Pouncer Cubs look proud of their tower.January 10, 2025Week 14: January 6–9 2025This Scout seems to have put every ounce of energy they have into bowling their ball down the lane.December 13, 2024Week 13: Group Christmas JambowlreeAll the Christingles are lit and giving a soft glow to the Beavers' faces. December 7, 2024Beavers Bablake District ChristingleConcentrating hard on their designs, the Scouts are working on dot paintings inspired by Aboriginal art in Australia.December 6, 2024Week 12: December 2–5These Cubs are being very careful with their lit Christingles.December 3, 2024Cubs Bablake District ChristingleStill in their pyjamas, the Beavers are playing pass the parcel next to the Christmas tree, with a little something for everyone. There's a pile of torn wrapping paper in the middle of the circle.December 1, 2024Beavers Christmas SleepoverThe Scouts are trying to keep all their balloons in the air, but there are a lot of them!November 29, 2024Week 11: November 25–28The Beavers are all enjoying their first dance with the Morris side.November 22, 2024Week 10: November 18–21The Cubs are playing a version of Granny Footsteps where they have to spell their names to move forward, as a leader calls out the phonetic alphabet letters randomly. Several Cubs seem excited by the latest letter called.November 15, 2024Week 9: November 11–14A Cub has hit the piΓ±ata, making it swing. The other Cubs watch for any sweets falling from it.November 9, 2024Cubs Dia de los Muertos SleepoverBeavers and a Scout watch as a duo of fountains sparkle brightly. November 5, 2024Bonfire PartyThese cheeky Cubs seem to be having a grand time squeezing their lemons. October 25, 2024Week 7: October 21–24A Scout is learning how to contact other Scouts using amateur radio. She's managed to reach a Scout in Sweden!October 20, 2024JOTA-JOTI 2024Six Beavers sit with an adult helper, smiles on their faces, waiting for the campfire singing to begin once the other groups arrive.October 19, 2024Bablake District Beavers & Squirrels Annual Craft & CampfireA Scout holds a small radio in his hands while two other Scouts look on. A local expert is showing the Scouts how to use the radio.October 18, 2024Week 6: October 14–17The Beaver mascot Billy has been to visit several Beavers, including a visit to the swimming pool, an air museum, an awards ceremony at the library and lots of cuddles.October 12, 2024Mascot VisitsA Beaver holding her hard-earned Bronze award in one hand and her certificate in the other, with a huge smile on her face.October 11, 2024Week 5: October 7–10The Beaver flag bearer leads the parade toward the church, flanked by her colour guard. The flag bearers of the other sections are watching the tops of their flag poles, to make sure they don't catch on the tree branches overhanging the path.October 6, 2024Harvest Parade 2024Three Beavers are sat at a table, chopping up a variety of fruit. One Beaver is looking excited about preparing his nectarine, another tips his bowl of fruit onto a piece of foil, while the third begins pulling her orange into segments.October 4, 2024Week 4: September 30 – October 3rdOne Cub is blindfolded and making her way along a taped zigzag line, guided by the voice and instructions of her fellow Cub who has a cheeky grin on his face. In the background, we can see another pair of Cubs finishing their run of the taped line while others wait their turn.September 27, 2024Week 3: September 23–26Three Scouts, two Cubs and two Beavers stand together, showing their medals and trophies.September 26, 2024Our 2024 AGMA group of Beavers stand on top of a capped medieval well, an adult volunteer stands next to them, with a pile of bags full of rubbish they've collected in front of them, proud expressions on their faces.September 20, 2024Week 2: September 16–198 Beaver Scouts are sat around a cluster of tables, which are covered in leaves, sheets of paper and thick crayons. The Beavers are busy making leaf rubbings. They are being assisted by an adult and a teenager.September 13, 2024Our first week back!September 26, 2023Billy & Waggle Home VisitsSeptember 1, 2023Billy & Waggle on a Summer HolidayJuly 11, 2023Air Rifle RangeJuly 3, 2023John's Lee Wood Group CampA collage of photos of Squirrels and Beavers taking part in various outdoor activities.June 12, 2023Wild West Squirrelly Beaveree
May 11, 2023New Website