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March 7, 2025 π
Monday night, the Scouts got to make pancakes a day early! They whisked up their batter, and cooked up multiple pancakes each using the group's new ceramic pans and induction hobs. The new wiring in the hut (courtesy of Hi Electrical) made it that the group can have 6 induction hobs going at once, which made cooking pancakes a lot faster this year! The Scouts looked like they enjoyed every bite (and so did the leaders!).
Tuesday was Pancake Day, aka Shrove Tuesday, so guess what the Cubs got up to? That's right, they made pancakes! This year, the Cubs even made their own batter, and were pretty proud of themselves for making their own pancakes from scratch.
Thursday was World Book Day, so the Beavers showed up in their costumes, made origami bookmarks and designed a new cover for their favourite book. They took a lot of time decorating their bookmarks, adding ears and tails, as well as drawing faces on them. They looked really great, and hopefully will be used to read a lot of books! At the end of the evening, two new Beavers were invested by their Lodge Leaders and welcomed into the Beaver Colony.
March 2, 2025 π
The Beavers had their first night away of 2025 on Saturday, and for some, it was their first night away ever! They started off with some games to learn about healthy eating, then rolled up their sleeves and made their own pizzas and vegetable salads. Everyone got to choose the ingredients they wanted on their pizzas, but they had to try something they didn't like in their salad. They did a really great job with all their food, and it looked like they enjoyed the end result. Some even had a second pizza! After supper, the Beavers took turns coming to wash up a plate and a bowl while everyone got their tents and beds set up, and curled up to watch Ratatouille.
Sunday morning after breakfast, the Beavers packed up all their kit, took the tents down and got washed up for the next bit of cooking. First they mixed up their chocolate mug cakes (which they all decided to refer to as mud cakes) and while those cooled, they came outside to sing a campfire song and toast marshmallows over the coals afterwards. S'mores for second breakfast, only at Beavers!
Another great sleepover for the Beavers; they're now looking forward to summer Group Camp!
February 28, 2025 π
The Scouts worked on some life skills this week by learning to wire a plug, testing and resetting a breaker, changing a lightbulb for a ceiling fixture and how to iron a shirt.
At Cubs, things got messy with paint, as the Cubs gripped paintbrushes with their toes and painted pictures as best they could! Some of the Cubs made paintings with the paintbrush held in their mouths instead.
On Thursday, the Beavers looked at times when they did their best, were kind and were helpful, as well as how that made the people around them feel. Then they worked with our Young Leaders to make some reflections based on their earlier comments.
February 14, 2025 π
Scouts continued the work from the last two weeks, rotating to a different group to learn the last of the other skills.
This week the Cubs had a great time making claymations. There was lots of creativity and teamwork involved and the resulting videos will be cracking. Watch this space!
Half of the Beavers were away at a school Valentine's disco, so the remaining Beavers had a team games night instead.
February 7, 2025 π
Scouts continued the work from last week, rotating to a different group to learn one of the other skills.
The Cubs had one of the Cub parents visit as part of their Disability Awareness badgework. After talking about the kind of disabilities that can need someone to use a wheelchair, they had a chance to use a wheelchair in our hut and assess how accessible it is.
This week, the Beavers looked at a map made by Scope that rates how accessible playgrounds are and how much the playgrounds allow children with a disability to interact and play with friends. After looking closely at Allesley Park's playground report, the Beavers broke into their Lodges and discussed some of the accessible playground equipment that is available to improve accessibility. It was really great to see them take interest in how their local playground could be made better.