January 17, 2025
For their first meeting back after Christmas, the Scouts put their heads together and came up with some ideas for them to build using electronics; a floor piano and a red-green light game. The leaders also came up with a new skills game to practice knots and work together as a team, which looks like a lot of fun.
Tuesday night, the Cubs got stuck into building their choice of either an Airfix Spitfire model or an Airfix Jaguar model. That glue is strong smelling stuff! Thankfully no one glued their fingers together and their models look great!
This Thursday, the Beavers learned about the history of currency, what we used to trade before coins existed and where the first coin was from. Throughout the evening, the Beavers were given the option to have a sweet immediately, or wait and get extra sweets at the end of the night. There were a few who couldn't resist the instant gratification, but most of the Beavers held out and were rewarded with double the amount at the end. Far better returns than most banks offer!
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