Week 13: Group Christmas Jambowlree

December 13, 2024

For our last meeting of the autumn term, the group met up in Nuneaton for our third annual Christmas Jambowlree. We filled 8 lanes with our leaders and young people, with the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts split across the teams and having fun together. The Scouts were really good at helping the Beavers get their bowling ramps in place if they were using them, or giving them tips on bowling and everyone had a great time. Looking forward to going again next year!

Looks like Katy's team is having a great time.This Cub looks really happy with how his bowling is going.Sally and her team all seem to enjoy pulling silly faces!These two Cubs are good friends.Setting the ball rolling down the lane at a face pace, this Scout seems to have decent technique.Two Cubs are watching their bowling balls head down the lane, hoping to knock down a few pins.This Scout seems to have put every ounce of energy they have into bowling their ball down the lane.

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