Week 19: February 10–13 2025

February 14, 2025

Scouts continued the work from the last two weeks, rotating to a different group to learn the last of the other skills.

This week the Cubs had a great time making claymations. There was lots of creativity and teamwork involved and the resulting videos will be cracking. Watch this space!

This Six looks really interested in what the story of their animation will be like. One Cub is writing their ideas down, while one tells the others her ideas. The other Cubs look on with interest.Cubs planning what their clay animation will look like.The Cubs have done an excellent job creating the models for their animation. This group has a little dog with a bone, ball and water bucket.This Cub is holding a figure they've made for their animation, which looks a little like Santa or a gonk with yellow sticks of cheese for legs!

Half of the Beavers were away at a school Valentine's disco, so the remaining Beavers had a team games night instead.

The Beavers are working as a team to pass the spare chair from the front to the back, moving their team closer to the finish line.The Beavers are working on their teamwork and coordination skills by tossing beanbags between each other.

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