Week 5: October 7–10

October 11, 2024

Our Scouts started off the week playing chair football and competing in their weekly fire lighting race. This week it was a draw between the Lions and the Tigers. One Scout got their cotton wool lit faster, and the other got their sticks to catch fire quickly. The Scouts also had a go at sorting out the nation's budget this week, in their patrols. They weren't impressed with how the government's spending compared with their choices, though!

This Scout has managed to get her fire lit and is trying to keep the flame going strong enough to get the sticks burning.A Scout patrol seems to be enjoying settling their budget for England.A group of Scouts discuss how they would spend England's budget, compared with the government's budget.

The Cubs took over the entire floor of the hall this week, creating their own versions of the World Scouting symbol. Some used leaves, others used ropes and there were a couple of groups that went to town with the pom-poms and confetti. They even had a go making it using their bodies! Sadly, the rain meant the firelighting competition didn't happen for the Cubs.

This Cub has chosen to create his fleur-de-lis from leaves and sticks.These Cubs have used a lot of pom poms to create their very colourful version of a fleur-de-lis. One seems very excited by it.Three Cubs have made their huge fleur-de-lis from rope and a few craft materials. They look rightfully proud of themselves and their creation.

Thursday night the Beavers learned about what Beavers is like in Canada and got to try on the uniform, which they liked, except for the colour. They played some duck, duck, goose Canadian style, where you run in the opposite direction from each other (don't collide!) and wrapped up the evening with some ceremonies. Four new Beavers were invested, one Beaver received her Chief Scout's Bronze Award, and one Beaver had his swimming up ceremony to Cubs.

Two Beavers are running in opposite directions as fast as they can, past each other, to try and be the first back to the empty space. They're both a blur to the camera.A new Beaver says her promise for the first time, her left hand on the Beavers flag her Assistant Lodge Leader is holding.A Lodge Leader places the necker around a new member of his Beaver lodge. He's having a little giggle while he's doing it.A Beaver holding her hard-earned Bronze award in one hand and her certificate in the other, with a huge smile on her face.

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