

Traditional name used in some Cub Packs for the Cub Scout leader. Akela is the Leader of the wolf pack in Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book.
Lord Robert Baden-Powell (1857–1941) was the founder of the Scout movement and serves as Chief Scout of the World.
Be Prepared
The motto of The Scout Association originally introduced by Baden-Powell.
A large gathering of Beaver Scouts from many groups for activities and friendship.
Beaver Scout
An invested member of the movement aged 6–8.
Camp blanket
A blanket (often with a hole/T-slit in the middle) that is worn to the campfire that has Scout badges sewn on to it. New badges can be obtained by swapping duplicates with other interested Scouting members, in a similar way to football cards and Pogs, or from special places, events or camps attended.
Chief Scout
The Chief Scout leads Scouting in the UK. The present Chief Scout is Bear Grylls.
Church parade
A church service designated for Scouts to attend as a group, sometimes also with the church's regular congregation. Scouts normally parade up the aisle with the colours.
Section, group and national flags, carried by the Colour Party.
Colour Party
One colour bearer and two colour guards make up this colour party. Guards may be added in multiples of two and will follow the main colour party.
Colour Bearer
The bearer stands in between the guards and carries the flag. It is a privilege to carry the colours.
Colour Guards
The guards march shoulder-to-shoulder with the flag bearer — one each on their left and right.
The collective name given to the section of Beaver Scouts.
Geographical area in England and Northern Ireland which provides administrative support to Scout Districts and groups. In Wales, counties are called Areas.
Cub Scout
An invested member of the movement aged between 8 and 10½ years.
A collection of Scout groups within an identifiable boundary, led by a District Commissioner.
Explorer Scout
An invested member of the movement aged 14–18.
Flag break
A ceremony traditionally held at the beginning of meetings or events. The national flag is 'broken' and saluted by those present.
Gang Show
Form of Scout entertainment similar to a variety show.
Gilwell Park
The UK national headquarters of The Scout Association, national training centre and activity centre.
Grand howl
A traditional ceremony of welcome based on the Jungle Book theme. A grand howl is usually used to open and/or close a Cub Scout Pack meeting or event. Grand howls differ from pack to pack.
Group Lead Volunteer (GLV)
The person appointed by the Scout District responsible for the leadership and management of a Scout group. Previously known as Group Section Leader (GSL).
The ceremony at which a member takes the promise when they join (are invested into) the movement or move sections.
A large, international gathering of Scouts. World Scout Jamborees are normally held every four years.
King's Scout
A member who has gained the highest youth programme award: the King's Scout Award.
Left handshake
A special handshake used by most Scouts across the world as an act of friendship. This goes back to when Baden-Powell was a soldier in Africa. He saw a large number of tribal chiefs who carried spears and shields and noticed that it was a sign of great trust to offer your left hand when shaking hands. This was because you had to put down your shield and yet leave the other person holding a spear.
The name given to a small group of Beaver Scouts within a Beaver Colony.
Membership award
This is the award given to members upon their investiture into a section.
Coloured neckerchief worn by Members. Neckers clearly identify members with a particular Scout group, District or County/Area.
The collective name given to the section of Cub Scouts.
The name given to a small group of Scouts within a Scout Troop, led by a Patrol Leader and Assistant Patrol Leader.
Patrol Leader
A more experienced Scout who is responsible for a Patrol, assisted by an Assistant Patrol Leader. Some troops also have Senior Patrol Leaders who assist Troop leaders with running the Troop.
Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR)
The Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR) is The Scout Association's rule book which sets out the rules and structure of Scouts.
The programme is the term used to describe the entire Scout experience, including awards, activities and badges for all young people aged 4–24.
A public statement each member makes at their investiture and on other occasions. It states that they will do their best to follow the principles and values of Scouting. Variations of the Promise are available for different religions.
Queen's Scout
A member who gained the highest youth programme award before the death of Queen Elizabeth II: the Queen's Scout Award.
An invested member of the Scouting movement aged 10½ - 14½. This is also a generic term used to describe any member of the Scout movement.
Scout group
A number of sections that are united by the same group name. Traditionally Scout groups consist of a Beaver Colony, Cub Pack and Scout Troop but combinations of these or multiple sections are possible. Some Scout groups may have Squirrel Dreys or host Explorer Units.
Scout Law
The code which all members of the movement follow. (There is no formal Beaver Scout law; the concepts expressed in the Scout law are presented to Beavers through games, storytelling and other activities.)
A Cub Scout who assists a Sixer with the running of a Six in the Cub Pack.
This is a unit of a Scout group or District: Squirrels, Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Explorer Scouts and the Scout Network.
Section Team Leader
Volunteering adults who are in charge of organising and running a section.
Section Team Member
Volunteering adults who provide general help to organising and running a section on a regular basis.
A group of Cub Scouts within the Cub Pack.
Cub Scout that has more experience and helps look after the Cubs in their Six.
All members pay a subscription fee each month. This goes towards running activities, upkeep of our equipment and premises, general running costs, and a payment for membership of to The Scout Association.
The Scout Association (TSA)
We are members of The Scout Association, which is the largest Scout organisation in the United Kingdon.
The collective name for the section of Scouts (10½–14).
Trustee Board
Committee made up of the GLV, Chair, Treasurer and Trustees to oversee the running of the Scout group
The warrant was given to those who accept the appointment as a uniformed Leader made by the Scout District.
Wide Game
A general term given to a game played over a large area of terrain, of which there are many versions, often, but not always, played at night. Usually involves getting from one place to another to capture something without being caught.
Device used to hold the necker together at the neck.
Wood Badge
Wooden beads on a leather cord presented to a Leader who has completed their Scout training.
World membership badge
A badge worn by many Scouts which tells people they belong to a worldwide movement. This is normally given to a member at their investiture.
Young Leader
An Explorer Scout or DofE participant who works as part of the leadership team in one of the first three sections. Young Leader Explorer Scouts belong to an Explorer Scout Unit and have a recognised training structure to help them in their leadership role.